Youth Policy Initiative

Encouraging young leaders to voice their ideas.


The Youth Policy Initiative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which strives to promote civic engagement in underserved youth communities. We specifically work with middle school students from across San Francisco, especially low-income, students of color, and first generation college students. Furthermore, YPI engages students in local and national political issues to raise awareness about current events in society and to gear participants towards a career in politics or political activism by inspiring them to find solutions for the many issues Americans face today.



100% of students would recommend the camp to others.

Each and every student demonstrated major development in both their public speaking skills and knowledge of the issues in San Francisco. At the same time, they made friends with like-minded peers.

94% of students have a better sense of local government, the issues facing San Francisco, the federal government, and issues facing the country.

Our holistic approach to tackling such important issues allowed students to dive deeper into the roots of the problem and develop innovative solutions through legislation.
